Upcoming Events and Book Signings!

I have a busy end of the week! Don't forget, if you are in Los Angeles, on Thursday evening, Oct. 17th, I'll be giving a presentation on the early history of the Las Vegas Strip and doing a book signing at the Los Feliz Library. It's free and starts at 6:45 (doors open at 6:30).

Hope to see you there!

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And on Saturday at the Las Vegas Book Festival!!!!!

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If you are in Las Vegas on Saturday, Oct. 19th, I am going to be at the Las Vegas Book Festival 2019.

I am on a panel about the Mid-Century Modern Las Vegas Strip at 9:00 am. The panel will be moderated by Geoff Schumacher. The other panelists are authors Esper Esau and Larry Gragg. I will also be doing a book signing for my book, "Gambling on a Dream: The Classic Las Vegas Strip 1930-1955 as well.

Hope to see you there!